Monday, February 21

Hunter Thompson's Legacy & Newsbreakers' Future?

Gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson is dead.

He took his own life. Why is that not a surprise to me?

In our Rhetorics and Philosophies of Journalism Seminar at Duquesne University last semester we framed Thompson's work under the heading of "NEW JOURNALISM” where literary narratives, personal styles, great writing and critical thinking challenged the status quo of reporting.

Some argue that blogging will renew the new journalism call—but at it’s core, new journalism is about the writing—I walked away from that experience looking at Thompson’s "gonzo" journalism as a way of engaging in media criticism and reaching out to people who've become numb to the trappings of traditional news.

Hunter Thompson was indeed a journalism pioneer.,1413,36~53~2723492,00.html

While most people will reflect on Thompson’s work, I would like to consider his contempt for the establish media. Thompson was clearly a media critic challenging the conventions and policies of the media elite. I would like to think Thompson would have endorsed Newsbreakers.

The group's novel approach to media criticism picks up the Thompson mission by attacking television news and attempting to engage the younger demos.

These guys trash the stuffiness of media criticism and make it cool. With their identities concealed by silly masks and costumes, Newsbreakers' members claim to liberate live broadcasts by wandering into the live shots of local TV stations. They critique television news by mocking it with a blend of tactics and elements fresh from MTV's "Punk'd" and "Jackass" and Comedy Central's "The Daily Show."

The reactions they provoke in their attempts to gauge “the mood” around their stunts are hilarious. Those reactions also expose the hypocrisy and narcissism of local TV reporters, photographers and stations. However, punking live shots, regardless of being novel and funny, is what it is—a gimmick.

So the question is, what’s next? Newsbreakers wants to bring new life to media criticism, but can it move the discussion forward and grow beyond these stunts? I hope it can. I want to believe in the mission. Newsbreakers was successful in grabbing my attention. Now I'm waiting to see what happens next.

This organization has sparked discussion about the sedentary state of broadcast news. I'd like to think Hunter Thompson would give his blessing to Newsbreakers and its objectives of challenging the status quo.

I believe he would appreciate the rabble rousing of its masked members. I think Thompson would chuckle at the pranks and I think he would relish the reactions.

As Newsbreakers seeks to trigger a new era of media criticism may its crew also consider the legacy of Thompson and the truth in his writings.

"The TV business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs."
--Hunter S. Thompson

Friday, February 18

December Grads Keep on Blogging

Sure they're alumni now, but December grads Amy DalBon and Julie Stolze are keeping in touch via their blogs started in capstone last semester. Check out the latest entries and leave them some feedback.

Meanwhile, word is that some juniors and even BC minors are interested in setting up their own blogs and getting in on the blog page action as they start thinking about internship possibilities and career goals. It’s nice to know we’re inspiring people. We’ll add links as they make their blogs public.

Monday, February 7

Senior Project Redux Proposal or Alumni Research Paper Proposal

Hey, Capstone Students!

As you blog away this week with:
  • What I did in BC...
  • Career Goals/Job Search...
  • Article or Link...
  • Please include your Senior Project Redux Proposal or your Alumni Research Paper Proposal. A few graphs should be enough. MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE SPECIFICS-- follow the guidelines set out in the syllabus.

Friday is the DEADLINE on those proposals...again file them in your blog entry or make it a stand alone entry!

Saturday, February 5

Newsbreakers Strike Again!

This time in Columbus, Ohio. IS ANY STATION SAFE!!! :) I hope they come to Pittsburgh soon.

The group that hijacked TV news live shots in Rochester, New York, a month or so ago showed up in Columbus. This time the group sent the grim reaper wandering into a live shot on Sinclair's WSYX-TV.

I've done a web search to see if there's a mention in the local paper-- but nothing yet.



DON'T SUBSCRIBE/PAY FOR SOME ONLINE JOB DATABASE! There are plenty of free resources out there...including direct links to the companies hiring. And you can suggest links that we can add-- to the list from this year, last year and the year before!!!

Hi, capstone bloggers! Here's a friendly reminder that we do have job link resources on the blog pages that are FREE.

Those pay sites out there are really just gatheirng information from the free ones and packaging it to poor college students for a profile.

You can get started with this page-- and check out the links collected from the two previous capstone classes as well.

Friday, February 4

BC Festival- Tentative Schedule

Broadcast Communications Festival
Monday, April 25, 2005
Tentative Timeline

All Day- BC Capstone Display- TCH-McKelvey 2nd Floor Hallway (Hallway to TV Studio from TCH)

9:00- Titan Radio Wake-Up Call- Informal Breakfast Get Together in BC Newsroom (Krispy Kremes courtesy Mr. Weaver)

Sarah Ubry
Sebastian Salazar-Driver

11:30-1:00 BC Fest Live Remote with members of BC 302 (Inside & Outside the Tub)
Send a Message to the Future- Students/staff/faculty encouraged to leave messages on a banner to be placed in BC Capstone Time Capsule.
BC Tours- Remote Truck, TV Studio, Radio Studio, Future Studio

1:00-6:00- The County Line Marathon- Westminster Cable Network

Megan Marshall
Ian Durham
Laura Krutschnitt

7:30-8:00 Capstone Mini-Reception with Light Refreshments, Location: TBA

Pat Sandora
Tandi Lane
Ashley Roberts

Tuesday, February 1

LOOK @ the BC Festival This Way!!!

Here's the bottom line on the purpose of the BC Festival Assignment for the members of the capstone--

It is one final opportunity to shine and be recognized by the campus community as individuals and as BC majors. After the festival and the presentations you make the transition into the larger body of the Class of 2005 and your final days at Westminster College.