Thursday, September 2

Coming BC Capstone bloggers

This entry is directed at all new BC Capstone bloggers. It's time to set up your blog, develop your blog persona and start posting.

So what's this blog thing all about?

It's a place for you to reflect and communicate with me and each other (AND THE WORLD) on what you're doing with your documentary. Your BC weblog is also where you will explore what you want to do with a career while also reflecting on your experience at Westminster College.

What should you blog about?
Each week I will prompt you to write reflectively or professionally about a topic or aspect of your documentary, your future plans or some aspect of your college life.

You are encouraged to go beyond the required blog entries. Discuss current events in electronic media or offer your own polished commentary on the industry to demosntrate you're plugged in to the business and issues of electronic media.

I also encourage you to post links to job resources that may assist you in your future efforts.

Finally, keep your capstone blog PROFESSIONAL and on task. It is about your capstone and broadcasting. I encourage you to review the blogs of your classmates as well and engage in commenting with constructive feedback. However, keep personal matters to a private or separate blog.

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