Thursday, October 28


The calendar shows that October is almost gone. HALLOWEEN, ALL SAINTS DAY/HOLY DAY or DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS should frighten you if you haven't made progress on your senior project. These days signal time is running out and we'll be well into November.

I’d like to read more specifics about your senior projects. Some students have provided information on what’s happening, others elude to it and still others kind of skip over it. Please make sure you give some specific information what’s going on with your projects. It clearly goes to “What I did in broadcasting this week…”

Last Call for Comments

I think I’ll make this my final appeal for Capstone students to actively engage in commenting on each others blog entries. So far this semester the feedback has been scattered and inconsistent across the board. While I’m pleased with the level of effort on the blogs, my goal of establishing a dynamic enterprise here seems to have peaked. The feedback component does factor into the grade for blogs, however, it appears that requirement continues to be overlooked.