Are You Ready to Blog?
I've sent out an invitation to third-year students in Broadcast Communications to start weblogs now instead of waiting for the capstone class. I recommend keeping these weblogs professional. While I offer a set of guidelines for blogging during the first day of class, I thought it appropriate to post the information now.
Use these guidelines to keep on target with the BC Capstone Weblog mission of self-reflection, goal making, assessment and growth as working media professionals.
BC Weblog Guidelines
Keep It Professional-Put time and effort into what you write. - Never post a first draft. Edit what you write.
- Put effort into the content.
- Write enough to communicate meaning with the reader, but avoid overkill.
- Demonstrate your knowledge and experience as a professional by correctly using the terminology of media.
- Connect your entries to topical events and issues in media.
- Offer your own style and voice and be consistent with it.
- Be genuine.
- Offer Links.
- The more links you offer the better the chances are your blog could turn up in a Google search.
- Link back to your sources (this offers transparency, attribution and validity to the points you want to make).
Going Public- Remember the World is Watching
- Never reveal personal, private information.
- Never blog about your personal life.
- Limit contact information to a web-based e-mail account.
- Never write about proprietary or privileged information (never disclose company secrets or information shared with you in confidence). Off the record means off he record.
- If blogging about internship or job-related experiences, inform your employer about your weblog.
- Invite the employer to read your blog and offer feedback.
- Ask about restrictions or limits on what you can and cannot blog about.
- Ask if the company has any specific weblog guidelines you must follow.
Be Positive- Showcase Your Ability to Think Critically and Creatively
- Be clear when expressing opinion or comments.
- When engaged in criticism, remain constructive.
- Recognize opposing positions.
- Support your points with evidence and attribution (include links).
- Never engage in personal attacks.
- Update entries on a regular basis.
- Develop a routine so regular readers can expect timely updates.
- Entertain and inform your readers
- INCLUDE PICTURES: Offer interesting and appropriate images and context.
- Write engaging headlines.
Be Prepared- Avoid Legal Entanglements
- Be truthful & ethical.
- Understand the impact of what you write.
- Remember libel applies to weblogs.
- Remember false light applies to weblogs.
- Remember invasion of privacy applies to weblogs.