Wednesday, November 29

Student Mini-movie Showcase

BC 251 students will present their mini-movie projects to an audience next week. You're invited!

2005 Lunchtime Mini-movie Showcase
Monday, December 4
@ 11:45
Mueller Theater/Lecture Hall
McKelvey Campus Center
Westminster College

Students will premiere 16 one-minute mini-movie projects and four group projects. The goal is to transfer the skills, experiences and professional practices learned from shooting and editing sports, news and commercials back to the domain of the home user. I want students to shift back to consumer products such as video cell phones, digital cameras and typical video editing software found on most PCs. I want them to apply the video production techniques and approaches learned in BC 251 to the digital technology now available to everyone.
This one is from Tom Benoit made with his pocket DV cam entitled "Procrastination at Work."

Here's a sample of one of the early submissions. It's "The Last Chip" from Katie Hilliard.