Saturday, December 4

Final BC 601 Class Session

Thursday, December 9 is the final County Line for the semester and it's also the final time we meet as the BC 601 class. Amy & Julie will graduate later this month so the BC 602 class in the spring will be reduced to 8 students.

We will meet on Thursday at 2:30 instead of 2:00 to give the students presenting at Laural High School time to return to campus.

We will discuss the status of projects. We'll also spend some time Thursday talking about what you want achieve in the next semester as well as setting up a meeting day/time, etc. You'll also complete the course evaluation.

I wanted to express my appreciation to the students who came to my BC 251/Video Production class to talk about internships. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I believe you helped inspire some of the future capstone students.

I hope the self-reflection and self-assessment aspects of this course have helped you position yourself with career goals as you get closer and closer to graduation. See you on Thursday!

Senior Captsone Presentations on December 8, 2004

Amy DalBon & Julie Stolze will give senior presentations on Wednesday night at 6:30, December 8 in the McKelvey Theater/Lecture Hall in the Campus Center.

Julie actually has her Speech Comm presentation at 6:oo, so come early and get in on that one.

All students, faculty and staff are invited! Julie says her family is bringing cake!

Amy & Julie are enrolled in both sections of capstone this semester as both are graduating this month.

Sarah's Getting Published!

I wanted to send out congratulations to Sarah Ubry and draw your attention to this weekend's edition of The Herald.

Part of Sarah's senior project was to do some enterprising and feature reporting for radio and newspaper. The Herald is suppose to run her profile of a local milkman (yes, it appears the milk is still delivered in some local communities-- great story idea).

So check out the paper this weekend. You can read it online if you have a subscription password. She' feature a two-part radio series later in the week on Digital 88.9 News as well.