Thursday, January 25

What Makes You Marketable Outside Your Specialty

06-07 BC Capstone student Aidan M. (our resident squirrel expert... hence the picture of G.I. Nuts) suggested we blog about where our professional skills and experience could take us outside of broadcasting. An interesting idea as few people end up doing what they originally set out to do after college.

So I'm approaching this entry with a list of things I could do in case my I had to find a new career path. I guess I'd finally have time to audition for The Apprentice or The Amazing Race.

Off the top I think having 22-years experience as a broadcast journalist and a masters degree in journalism (and hopefully the Ph.D. someday in Ed) would hurt me rather than help me in any connected communications field (advertising, corporate video, etc.).

I sensed a lack of appreciation for real experience back in my 30s when I moved to Pittsburgh 10 years ago. I'd interview for various positions at one station or another and they were impressed with my resume and experience. The rejections were always qualified by a hearty appreciation for what I can do. But they couldn't afford to pay me what I was worth. It's funny how I never received any offers-- perhaps they assumed my experience would outpace what any news department could pay an intern to do if they moved from "free" to "minimum wage." So with that in mind I think I'd work as a consultant. Or I could become an agent (like many washed up news directors, anchors, etc. often do).

But what was that, Aidan? This blog assignment requires me to take the "broadcast journalism" component out of the equation?

I guess I could always continue to teach-- maybe PR, mass comm theory or public speaking. My skills would also work well in marketing, but I'm picky. Maybe I could work on an election campaign or for a public information office. The last choice might prove difficult with kids and a mortgage-- unless it was a sure thing like a highly re-electable senator.

The class has a tentative date picked out for senior presentations. We're targeting Monday, April 30, 2007. We plan to stage two presentations from 11:45-12:45 (one for Liz and one for Stevi). Everyone else presents from 6-8 that evening. Mike Wolenski wants to develop a twist for his presentation. May I suggest tableau, Mike.