“Living LIVE Television: Caught Between Producing & Directing”
A reception and presentation of Clarrisa Hunter’s e-portfolio and premiere the 2007-2008 County Line Special
By Clarissa Hunter
- April 10, 2008
- 5:00-6:30 p.m.
- Westminster Cable Network Television Studio & Master Control (where Thompson-Clark Hall meets the McKelvey Campus Center)
"The Future of the Field: Television Reporting " by Pam Marlowe
"Selling Myself...It's Not What You Think" by Jill Carle.
- April 23, Wednesday
- 6:30
- Mueller Theater, McKelvey Campus Center
"A look at Leukemia: Jeff's Story"
A documentary produced and directed by Terese Marzalek
- April 25, Friday
- 6:00-8:30
- Westminster College Art Gallery/Display & project back story during the Senior Art Show
- 8:30 Public Premiere in Patterson 131
A student film by Josh Anderson
- April 25, Friday
- 6:00-8:30
- Westminster College Art Gallery/Display & project back story during the Senior Art Show
- 8:30 Public Premiere in Patterson 131
"Not So Extreme Makeover: Titantown Sports"
by TJ Renninger
"Seven Must Dos for a TV Sports Resume Tape"
By David Craig
- April 25, Friday
- 6:00-8:30
- Westminster College Art Gallery/Poster Display and question & answer session
"Big League Broadcasting"
by Chris Norris
- April 29, Tuesday
- 6:30-7:30 Reception (non-alcoholic happy hour)
- 7:05-7:15 formal presentation
- Club Room- McKelvey Campus Center
"Welcome to New Wilmington: Promoting a local community with online video storytelling"
By Danielle Adams
Pitch to the Client- The New Wilmington Area Chamber of Commerce
May 2, Friday
11:30 at Shenango on the Green, New Wilmington, PA