Sunday, March 9

Blog-O-Rama for March 9, 2008

In this week's BLOG-O-MATIC report...
Nurturing the competitive beast within us all...

Some capstone students blogged about our Titan Traverse event this week in BC 601. Chrissy Valentine crafted activities for our class that tapped into the Amazing Race assignment the BC 601 students are currently engaged in as they produce their application videos for the show producers. It’s interesting how two people discovered the competitive animal that lurks just beneath the surface. Our outing on Thursday with the adventure education folks at Titan Traverse helped Nicky Piszczor realize she is cut out for the fierceness of broadcasting:

“I'm more competitive than I thought. I've always wanted to do well and get into this business, but I wasn't sure I had the drive. But I proved myself wrong...if I want it enough, I can do it!”

Shayna Marti also had some reflections to share as she tapped into her competitive spirit this week:

“One thing I realized about myself is that I am a very competitive person. I use to play sports in high school and I was always competitive then, but I never thought I would be so competitive in something as small as a Titan Traverse activity. I found myself sprinting across the quad as fast as I could to get to the next clue. I also found myself becoming frustrated when members of my team would step on an object during the obstacle course causing us to start all over.”

Meanwhile, Christina Roseto is hard at work trying to match up with the perfect internship for her career goals. Her blog’s an interesting read this week as she provides a narrative about her internship quest.

“To internship or not to internship, that is the question” for Chris Norris. He’s on a short call list for some freelance work after college in Cleveland, but he’s wondering if the cash of a temp job with the Cleveland Indians trumps the “sure thing” that comes with a paid internship with a minor league baseball team in Youngstown. Each position could take him on to bigger and better things. Oh, the dilemma of being young and having choices.

MEANWHILE...Set your blog comment settings to "KILL" when it comes to the SPAMMERS. I've noticed some capstone blog entries are now victims of those lame attempts to embed SPAM or hijacking links. I encourage all students to log onto their Blogger Dashboards and update the settings for comments. Take full advantage of your ability to set word verification on the comments and active the comment moderation feature.