Saturday, March 1

Weaver's Blog-O-Rama: March 1, 2008

Here’s my blog suggestions for this week as I branch out a bit beyond the BC Capstone blogs.

TV Directing in the Right Direction
I begin with Doug Kunst’s BC Capstone weblog as Doug unpacks his role this week as director for The County Line. I was impressed at how he embraces the responsibility that comes with managing a live television show.
When you’re the director you have to take full responsibility,” he blogged. “It’s a tough job but a fun one too. When you work with great people and you take pride in what you do, it makes for a great experience.”

Save the Trees- Stop Publishing Newspapers
While Shayna Marti didn't go that far in her blog this week, she explored the future and it doesn't have newspapers in it. I'm curious if she was inspired by this week's Career Center panel which featured Erica Mihok from the New Castle News who is a multimedia journalist at a paper trying to carve out it's future in a small town.

Former Capstone Blogger's Girl Scout Cookie Connection
Here’s a jump away from the current BC Capstone grid to a recent graduate. Liz Farry is thriving as a media diva working for the Colonial Coastal Region of the Girl Scouts in Virginia and North Carolina. She started a professional weblog about her efforts there. Check it out!

Are We Media Literate Yet?
Now a deviation from the BC Capstone blogs to this year’s Mass Communications weblogs in Keith Corso’s class. He’s engaging his students to actively engage the digital frontier via blogging assignments. C heck out his blog and discover what his students are up to this semester. This week students address the citizen journalism movement by picking a CJ web site and blogging a review of it.

How Media Shapes Reality

Jeremiah Tyler’s blog caught my eye as he cited James Potter (author of Media Literacy) and the assertion that the world we know is a construction of the media. “News is not a reflection of actual events; it is a construction by news workers who are subjected to many influences and constraints”

This echoes a central theme from Walter Lippman’s Public Opinion (1922) when he wrote “the world outside and the pictures in our heads.” I’m thrilled to know the message and mission of our Mass Comm class last year is thriving again this year with Corso’s students. By the way, JT reviews how citizen journalism activities of the Toledo Talk.