Learning Moments & Reflection Opportunities with Rich Klindworth...Tales from the Job Search & So Much More
This week WJAC-TV's Rich Klindworth offered feedback as well as words of wisdom to our Broadcast Journalism and Capstone students. Rich visited the BC 312 and BC 602 classes and spent lunch with them. He looked at some of their stories and visited the newsroom. He also shared his tales of his joys and challenges during from his journey into television news.
One notable account he shared was a description of his first apartment while he worked at KTEN in Texas. His humble apartment featured limited furnishings including a lone inflatable chair and no microwave. He pointed out many people struggle to make ends meet when breaking into broadcast news.
He fielded questions about the Sonni Abattas of the world (pretty young women who are handed dream first jobs at top market stations with no formal communications or journalism degree, training or experience). Rich explains that Sonni Abbatta is the exception to the rule. Almost everyone begins at a small market station, often as a one-man band.
The pay raises and promotions come from moving up to bigger stations in the larger DMAs. Again, we're talking about a very limited supply of jobs with hundreds of people wanting to break into the business or eager to move up the ladder.
Rich's stories about his first job on the Texas-Oklahoma border linked directly back to a few of Dr. David Barners "Checklist for Success" in broadcast communications including the item that new college grads should prepare to start out with low pay. He also connected to the checklist item about getting out your suitcase as you go where the job offer takes you.
However, Rich's drive and determination for a career in broadcast news also links back to Dr. B's assertion that success in this business requires a passion and a love for it as well as a willingness to sacrifice as you make a career in this industry your number one priority.
I really appreciate Rich coming all the way from Johnstown to visit and I hope wish him continued success at WJAC and beyond.