Saturday, June 4


What I have done so far during my summer vacation...

I just finished four weeks of intense NUD*IST Camp. NUD*IST stands for Non-numerical Unstructured Data Indexing Searching & Theorizing and it's a software package for qualitative research. I was in Dr. Maureen Porter's QUADMAP (Qualitative Data Methods and Presentation) course at Pitt's School of Education.

In a nutshell, N6 is a tool for managing rich interview documents, field notes, etc., as you code information for searching and analysis in qualitative research.

I enjoyed working with it (and Dr. Porter was an excellent teacher and communicator). I think it's much more fascinating than merely managing statistics in SPSS. I'd much rather work with people and tell their stories over crunching numbers. The course helped confirm my interest and determination to work in qualitative studies.