Sunday, January 30

BC Festival Proposal Input

How goes the BC Festival proposal?

Are you working as a group?

Communicating? Brainstorming?

Crafting the proposal which is due on Friday?

We’ll meet in the conference room we’ve traditionally held class (TCH 206) and treat it as a brown bag lunch meeting where you as a group can pitch your proposal.

I thought I’d throw out some suggestions you can take or leave.

See you on Friday @ 11:30!

Some suggested mission statement outcomes (variations on a theme to consider):

  • Showcase and raise awareness of the BC Curriculum, Titan Radio & WCN with the campus faculty, staff and student population with scheduled events such as the Capstone Presentations, etc.
  • Promote the community service mission and opportunities of Titan Radio & WCN.
  • Provide a new view of what Westminster students do each day and each week at Titan Radio and WCN.

Some suggested BC Festival events to create/schedule:
• Stage a lunch time tour of the remote truck by parking it outside the tub. Allow visitors see up close and inside and view demonstrations of what it’s capable of while simultaneously holding a live remote on WCN. The live remote could give students in the announcing class a chance to ad lib live on television. Simulcast this remote on Titan Radio. It also allows the Producing/Directing class an opportunity to switch in the truck and direct the remote.

• During scheduled times outside venues of senior presentations as well as lunch time activities offer students a chance to sign a banner to leave messages that will be placed in the BC time capsule.

• Poster presentations based on alumni research papers showcasing BC alumni to be displayed in the tub the week of the festival.

Thursday, January 27

Capstone Deadline Schedule

February 4: This is a group project... BC Festival Proposal (MUST BE TYPED) with specific roles/duties for each person identified.

February 11: Senior Project Redux Proposal Deadline (or you notify me that you're doing the alumni research paper & identify your alumni)

February 18: Capstone Time Capsule Proposal: PROJECT (MUST BE TYPED) & this is a group project. The proposal must identify specific roles/duties for each person.

March 4: Alumni Research Paper or Senior Project Redux Alum Paper Deadline

March 18: Resume Tape or E-portfolio Format

March 18: Senior Presentation Guest List (with addresses & e-mail addresses)

April 8: Senior Project Redux Deadline

April 18: BC Festival & Senior Presentations

May 3: Updated Resumes & Resume Tape(s) or E-portfolio Project Deadline

Blog Feedback Requirement Awareness Day

Laura K’s been busy offering feedback. I’d hoped to see more capstoners engaged in these blog-based dialogues. After all the blogging assignment REQUIRES it. I'm also thinking more people should blog more often to show they are actively engaged in our endeavors to justify our current schedule.

I’m wondering if everyone has reviewed the syllabus thoroughly.

And while I’m on the topic of the BC 602 syllabus, I hope members of the class are actively communicating with each other about crafting the proposal for the BC Festival.
The February 4 deadline for the festival proposal is nearly here. I’ll post a friendly reminder of what’s required. What we do have a lock on is the date of the festival--

Members of the class will work together as a team to create, organize, schedule and execute Westminster’s first Broadcast Communications Festival.

The team will outline festival goals, secure locations, plan activities and publicity, etc.

A festival proposal will include a mission statement and detailed outcomes for a specific target audience.

The proposal will also provide a list of prospective activities, duties for each student, a proposed schedule, etc.

Your grade will be based how well the mission statement and outcomes match up with the response and success of the festival.

The festival must include scheduled time blocks for senior presentations as well as orchestrating additional events or activities which can include lower classmen, non-majors, other courses, etc.

A festival date, title, mission statement, proposed locations, proposed activities, individual assignments/duties/roles and planning schedule are due to the instructor by February 4, 2005.

Katie Busted with Hidden Cam @ Trumps Wedding

For those of you who've visited my blog know my take on hidden cameras.

Looks like video cameras were a "no no" at the Trump wedding last weekend-- and sneaky Katie Couric was busted by the million dollar bride.

NBC's Today co-anchor Katie Couric is America's morning sweetheart, right? On TV, maybe, but her off-camera image took a beating during Trump's big affair. Not only did she go off on high-level reps of a New York newspaper during the wedding reception, but she also got caught secretly taping the Trump shindig with a lipstick camera.

Read the dish on PalmBeach Post's Page 2.

Tuesday, January 11

BC 602 Syllabus

By now all Capstone students have received the updated BC 602 syllabus via their campus e-mail.

Please review the syllabus now and flag me if you have any questions. That way we can clear all matters up by the end of the first week of class.
We meet as a group on Friday, January 21 at 11:30 at my office.
You should be communicating with your classmates to nail down a date for your senior presentations and the BC Festival. Presentations and the festival cannot be held on a Thursday.
I see some folks have been busy blogging during the break. Thanks for keeping us up to date! It would seem you’re poised to tackle the capstone and head into the assignments, job search and resume tape building.

Friday, January 7


BC Capstone Students:
FYI! Please mark your calendars and begin making arrangments now so you can attend. If you will miss classes or have newscasts, projects, assignments, etc., then please work ahead. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss.

WestPACS Arts Career Day
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Cranberry Learning Alliance
Cranberry Twp., PA
Westminster's Career Center will provide transportation.

The career fair will feature keynote speaker, Rick Sebak, documentary film maker from WQED, and six panel sessions on the following topics: Advertising/Public Relations; Applied Arts / Design; Writing/ Publishing; Broadcast/Film/Television; Fine Arts/Arts Management and Performing Arts.

Hijacking TV News Live Shots

Hijacking TV station live shots is a unique tactic used by a group called NEWSBREAKERS. It's an effective and hilarious approach to criticizing media and calling attention to the problems in broadcast journalism.

"NEWSBREAKERS is a nonpartisan, nonviolent media watchdog group dedicated to the improvement of journalism. It offers comment and critique on the role of television news in informing the public. The group relies on parody and non-traditional media interventions." From the Newsbreaker's website.

Check out the NEWSBREAKERS website and watch some of the vid clips. If you like The Daily Show, you'll get a kick out of NEWSBREAKERS which also claims to have an important social purpose as well.

Thursday, January 6

Check it out! Batulis now on the WENY website!

Check it out! Melissa Batulis (Class of 2003) is now on the official website of WENY-TV.
If anyone wants to get in touch with Melissa, give me a shout!

Saturday, January 1

Broadcasting Job Fair in Pittsburgh

Broadcasting Career Fair on Thursday, January 6, 2005
Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters & the Pittsburgh Radio Organization
from 4 to 7 PM
Duquesne University
4th floor Student Union on Locust St.